This article is to give you an understanding of the kind of listing and buyer events that Labra Flyout will inform you about via your chosen email and Slack channel
Different kind of events
AWS sends 3 categories of events for listings that are published on AWS Marketplace. Labra Flyout will be collecting the information from such events and notifying you about them.
The 3 event categories which you will get notifications for are:
- Buyer lifecycle events
- Private offer events
- Metering events
Buyer Lifecycle events
This will inform you of the various buyer actions taken on your AWS Marketplace listing. These would include notifying you when the following events take place:
- Buyer Registration Pending
- When a user has bought your subscription on AWS Marketplace but has not completed the registration process for setting up their account.
- Buyer Registration Completed
- When a user has bought your subscription on AWS Marketplace and has successfully completed the registration process for setting up their account.
- Subscribe Failed
- When a buyer has tried to subscribe to your listing but has failed to do so due to some error.
- Entitlement Renewed
- When a buyer’s initially bought entitlement has been renewed by them.
- Entitlement Expired
- When the entitlement purchased by your buyer has expired.
- Entitlement Upgraded
- When a buyer upgrades from an old to a new entitlement, which is being offered inside your listing.
- Unsubscribe Pending
- When a buyer unsubscribes from your product but the process is pending. In the meantime, the buyer will be able to make use of your product and their bought entitlement.
- Unsubscribe Success
- When the buyer has successfully unsubscribed and can no longer use your product.
Private Offer events
This will inform you of the status of your private offer acceptance from your buyer. You will get notifications on the happening of the following:
- Private offer accepted
- When a buyer you have sent a private offer to has accepted the offer and taken your product subscription.
- Private offer expiring soon
- When the private offer that you have shared with a buyer is about to expire, and the buyer has still not accepted the offer.
- Private offer expired
- When a private offer you shared with a buyer was not accepted and has expired.
Metering events
This will inform you whenever metering is sent for your listing to AWS Marketplace for billing purposes.
- Metering sent
- When you have sent the usage metering information for a buyer to the AWS Marketplace
Modes of Event Delivery
Currently we offer our customers multiple event delivery methods to notify them of different events
- Slack
- HTTP Webhook ( Customer provided endpoint ) to receive payloads. Refer our API documentation on webhook HTTP calls. This can help customers to setup their own workflows based on event triggers from Labra. Currently only buyer lifecycle events mentioned are supported
- Retry Mechanism on the HTTP webhook - Currently Labra performs retries on your HTTP webhook to ensure error handling and service unavailability in case of temporary issues
- 500 retries spanning over a 8 hours period
- Interval will be ~ 8 minutes in linear fashion
- Retry triggers
- Timeout (server not available)
- Non HTTP
response code on our HTTP POST call
- Retries end when we receive a HTTP
response on any of retry or all of the retries are exhausted. Labra still maintains a copy of your webhook event in case retries exhaust
- Who on my team will get email notifications for different events ?
- You can choose as many stakeholders from your team to receive listing notifications. It is not necessary to have the same stakeholder for each event, i.e., based on the listing event, you can choose who from your team you want to notify. Most customers share their group email list for notifications depending on type of event.
- Which of my Slack channels will receive notifications ?
- You can choose any Slack channel in your workspace where you want to get all listing notifications.
- Are there any more events for which I can get notifications ?
- No, AWS only shares the above-mentioned events with us, on which we can send you notifications.
- What happens to events if our HTTP Webhook faces downtime ?
- Labra ensures that the webhook receives events even if it faces downtime momentarily or for about 8 hours with our retry mechanism built to take care of such scenarios. Labra still maintains a copy of your webhook event in case retries exhaust
Updated 12 months ago